Holistic Teachings & Healing

for heart-forward seekers

discover | embody | live
aligned with your Truth

The Honey Seed

The honey is the dense, delicious nectar that comes from the wisdom within the ancient teachings we share and the deep feeling of alignment and peace at the end of a healing session. We guide you through gathering those potent drops of honey and planting them in your heart, like a seed. With continued practice and devotion, the seed grows. What’s growing is the purest, highest version of You.

That is the ultimate freedom.

We’re here to invite you into the depths of your being through the power of connection to all, so that you can have an elevated human experience in this lifetime ♡

hello brilliant one

i know for certain that you’re an expert in your own life’s journey… but stilllll… sometimes… you can feel lost on your path and the journey can feel lonely and confusing. you yearn for community & deeper connections & people who get you. you trust the Universe but that doesn’t always make things smoother or easier!

we know that feeling deeply; where longing for more is paired with an uncertainty on what to do next or how to get there.

that’s why we decided to remind you that we’re all one; we’re all connected. you aren’t alone. you can put down the pressure you’re feeling. there’s an answer! there’s a path, special for you. you are brilliant, magical, and unique. you are part of a big collective consciousness playing your very important role in it all.

sink your roots into the Earth beneath you and join us on this discovery and embodiment of the Spirit having a human experience.

see you soon!

Jnana + Bhakti

Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge; the study of Spiritual texts, teachings, and ancient wisdom.

Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion; the unification with the Divine through loving devotional practices.

Yoga has many paths, all of which reach the same goal of ultimate liberation. Jnana and Bhakti are two of these paths that serve as the core of The Honey Seed’s teaching and healing offerings. They are the foundational guidelines we follow that keep us rooted as we support you in aligning with the Truth of your essence and purpose in this life.

Immerse Yourself


"The willingness to hear others be vulnerable allowed for authentic vulnerability from myself, I thrive when I am able to be my full authentic self and I had forgotten that."

"Kami is a master of digging into the raw riches of each energy center - guiding you down and in to gather the gems."

"You usher people through the labyrinths of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies so that they can find their center and live from alignment with what is most true for them."

The Honey Seed is Nomadic

We’ve now served multiple states from coast to coast in the US, as well as Panama, Costa Rica, and Mexico.

Where should we go next?

Ready for freedom?

Hey! I’m the creator of The Honey Seed and I believe in amplifying the magic of life by tuning into the free flow and creating a safe container for our true nature’s to come alive in.

I also believe that there’s no secret— everything you need to know already exists within you. The challenge you (we all) face is in allowing that abundance of knowledge, love, prosperity, and freedom to come out of hiding and be freely expressed in your world! I deeply honor the teachings and healing methods I’ve learned and now share, and I’ll forever be a devoted student.

I look forward to watching you thrive!

All My Love,
Kami Lee